Training & CPD

I deliver a training programme covering a variety of topics; old and new, to support counsellors and allied professions in their learning, development, and self care.

My intention is to create a learning environment which is safe, supportive, and provides a sense of community.

2018 Training Program: (To book on or for more information please use the contact form below – or call me on 07880 712585)

February 17th
Seeing Red; alternative Perspectives on Anger
-What is anger, why do we get angry, why is such an issue? How do we work with anger in the counselling room & what gets in the way?
March 3rd
Love & Attachment
-Exploration of love and link to attachment theory. What’s love got to do with it, and what place does love have in the counselling room.
April 14th
Money & the cost of therapy
-How are we valued? What is the cost of working with client material? And how does finances effect how we give, and receive therapy?
May 12th
Mind, Body, Spirit, and Shadow: A brief intro to Integral theory
-A holistic map which helps to hold the Context, and Physical Body, as well as the internal world in relationship. Therapy + Movement + Others + Space, come along to understand more about how therapy fits in with other forms of support.
June 9th
Working with Groups
-When the one becomes many. Looking and experiencing group theory and practice.
July 7th
Selfies to self esteem
-An exploration of perspectives on self, and getting to grips with self esteem; what it really means, how do we work with it, and does technology help or hinder?

The training will be experiential (this means balanced between information, learning, and process) and will be tailored to meet those who attend.

If there’s other areas of interest you’d like to explore in this setting please let me know.